We are practitioners committed to the use of RPM (Rapid Prompting Method). RPM is a teaching/tutoring method developed by Soma Mukhopadhyay. RPM will help to improve an individuals education, communication and motor planning skills.
Through the use of RPM, we strive to connect our students to age appropriate learning, a method of communication and a supportive community.
We believe that everyone has the ability to learn, understand and comprehend: An individual with autism or another related disability is no different. It is important to remember that a motor skills have little to do with intelligence and that lack or limited speech does not mean a lack of language.
An individual with autism may have a brain and body disconnect. This means the brain and body do not always cooperate.
RPM Connections works to build those connections to the brain and body through the use of RPM. We are passionate about teaching age appropriate academics and life skills to everyone. Presuming competence allows this connections to grow. When you presume competence and ability the sky is the limit!
RPM (Rapid Prompting Method) is a teaching method that utilizes a students unique make up of open learning channels
The learning channels are:
Utilizing these channels that are unique to each student give them a way to demonstrate their understanding of knowledge through a response method that is suitable for them.
These response methods could include: written choices, stencil boards, laminated boards, handwriting or keyboards.
RPM teaches each student stimulating and age appropriate academics. Each lesson is tailored to the students open learning channels. This will allow the student to learn the skill of how and what to choose. RPM uses a teach/ask formula as well as verbal prompts, air prompts and motor modelling to encourage the student to demonstrate understanding.
RPM always adheres to independent pointing by the student. For a more in-depth look at how RPM works, please visit www.halo-soma.org
The short answer - Everyone!
RPM has been used with students as young as 3 and as old as 70! There is no student that isn't "ready" for RPM. This method is focused on teaching and learning. This means that RPM can be effective for most any student regardless of age or ability.
The only thing needed is the commitment to practice regularly. RPM is not a "quick fix" - it is a skill that both the teacher and student need to learn. It is important to enjoy your learning journey and not to focus on the finish line!
Books Written by Soma Mukhopadhyay
Understanding Autism through Rapid Prompting Method (Red)
Curriculum Guide for Autism Using RPM (Orange)
Developing Communication for Autism Using RPM (Green)
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students Using RPM (Yellow)
Developing Motor Skills for Autism Using RPM (Blue)
Harnessing Stims & Behaviours in Autism Using RPM (Grey)
Mathematical Concepts for Autism Using RPM (Black)
Growing Sensory Tolerance Using RPM (Brown)
Developing the Visual Skill of Reading Using RPM
Learning Life Skills Using RPM
Navigating the Currency Board Using RPM
Books Written by Tito Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay
How Can I Talk If My Lips Don't Move: Inside My Autistic Mind
The Mind Tree: A Miraculous Child Breaks the Silence of Autism RPM (Rapid Prompting Method)
Halo-Soma Rapid Prompting Method for Autism
Unlocking Voices - Using RPM
Lesson Resources
Heed RPM
Autistic Able
Halo - Helping Autism through Learning and Outreach
Unlocking Voices - Using RPM
Heed RPM
Learn RPM Online
RPM Connections
Learn RPM Online
Soma RPM
Soma RPM Brasil
RPM of Texas
RPM Connections